In a new report, Sharing the Road with Commercial Vehicles, the National Distracted Driving Coalition draws attention to the unique safety concerns that all drivers should keep in mind while sharing the road with large commercial vehicles, while also highlighting...
nddc NEWS
April 26th Washington, DC Distracted Driving Event
NDDC: Seeking Solutions to Eliminate Distracted Driving April 26th roundtable event is now available to view: NDDC: Seeking Solutions to Eliminate Distracted Driving National Meeting & Technology Solutions Showcase...
Technological solutions could prevent driver distraction and related crashes
WASHINGTON, D.C. — March 21, 2023— Existing and emerging technologies have great potential to reduce distracted driving, which contributes to thousands of deaths each year in the United States, according to a new National Distracted Driving Coalition (NDDC) report....
National Distracted Driving Coalition Calls on Passengers to Speak Up
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Children, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, and friends. These are the passengers that can pay the ultimate price when drivers choose to engage in distracted driving and other dangerous behaviors behind the wheel. Empowering these passengers to...
Tackling Distracted Driving Requires Closing Data Gaps, Leveraging New Tools
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On the eve of the busy holiday travel season with many drivers distracted by last minute errands, the latest report from the National Distracted Driving Coalition identifies crucial gaps in distracted driving data measuring the prevalence of the...