
Enforcement is essential to changing risky behavior and reducing road deaths. However, distracted driving enforcement is challenging because distraction occurs in many forms and with varying levels of risk. Some distractions cannot be directly observed on the road, such as daydreaming, and the language in legislation can be difficult to apply precisely in some situations. Moreover, communication with dispatch and other officers is essential to effective enforcement, and police vehicles contain a variety of technologies which are necessary to the performance of their duties. As such, these action items are designed to help police agencies mitigate distraction among officers as well as provide training to ensure distracted driving laws are appropriately enforced.


2023 priority
Encourage and support initiatives to provide training about distracted driving prevention and distracted driving laws to law enforcement.
Work with the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the National Sheriffs Association to encourage the widespread adoption of workplace safety policies and training and emphasize the importance of leadership to support the consistent enforcement of laws

Prepared by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2019, this toolkit provides law enforcement chief executives, command staff, first-line supervisors, and patrol officers with effective strategies that have been used by others for improving distracted driving education and enforcement in the communities they serve, along with tactics to reduce officer distraction in patrol vehicles. Included are distracted driving infographics; promising practices for public education, enforcement, and officer safety; IACP resolutions; and a comprehensive list of resources to help agencies address distracted driving crashes https://www.theiacp.org/sites/default/files/2019-10/DD%20Toolkit.pdf


Priority TBD

Explore advanced technologies to increase the enforceability of distracted driving laws. Research cutting-edge technologies and showcase their abilities to law enforcement
Encourage law enforcement to pilot new technologies and utilize proven technologies to enforce distracted driving laws. Encourage the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to provide grant funding for automated technologies.
There is a project underway from NHTSA – just waiting on a project description. So no output yet