nddc events

Partner Event: DRIVE SMART Virginia’s 12th Annual Distracted Driving Summit
The 12th Annual Distracted Driving Summit will be held August 7-8, 2025 in Williamsburg, Virginia!
Registration will open in April. Learn more: https://www.drivesmartva.org/distracted-driving-summit/ Note: This event is not being organized by the National Distracted Driving Coalition. Views expressed may not represent all steering committee and stakeholder organizations.
NDDC Webinar: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Distracted Driving Laws
On Tuesday, July 23 from 1:00-2:45pm ET, the National Distracted Driving Coalition (NDDC) will host a live webinar highlighting its recent report, “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Distracted Driving Laws”. Please make plans to join us by registering via the link below. We also ask that you share this information with your networks and/or on your social channels.
Event RegistrationEvaluating the Effectiveness of Distracted Driving Laws
Live Webinar
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
1:00-2:45pm ET
Register Online: https://bit.ly/webinar-effectiveness-laws What Will Be Discussed: Several US jurisdictions have moved to implement some form of legislation prohibiting handheld phone use, texting, and even other forms of distraction in the past decade. In some jurisdictions, the primary focus has been on young drivers or other special populations, whereas in others these bans have been applicable to drivers of all ages. Legislation imposing a reasonable penalty for risky behavior communicates that the level of risk is unacceptable and aims to discourage risk-taking by changing social norms. Consistent enforcement to raise awareness and create strong general and specific deterrent effects is another important element which is essential to influence behaviors on the road. In this regard, drivers must believe there is a real likelihood of detection, but also perceive there is a real likelihood of being sanctioned. Finally, it is essential that these laws are evaluated to ensure they are positively affecting driver behavior and the choices they make on the road as well as reducing crashes and injuries. During the session, panelists will discuss:- The status and scope of existing distracted driving laws and their known effectiveness.
- Fundamental considerations which should be discussed as part of the planning process to ensure law evaluations achieve objectives and provide actionable information.
- Useful resources that can support the development of evaluation plans.

Partner Event: GHSA 2024 Annual Meeting
It’s a pivotal time in traffic safety. Traffic deaths are finally starting to fall after a pandemic-induced surge in dangerous driving and roadway fatalities. There’s no better time to seize on this momentum by bringing together roadway safety, public health, community, government, law enforcement and business leaders from across the nation. This year’s Annual Meeting theme, “Traffic Safety at a Crossroads: Charting a Course for Success,” alludes to this critical time in roadway safety and the importance of making continued progress toward our goal of ending crashes, injuries and deaths.
Learn more and register: https://www.ghsameeting.org/
Note: This event is not being organized by the National Distracted Driving Coalition. Views expressed may not represent all steering committee and stakeholder organizations.
Event Registration
Partner Event: 2024 Road Safety Days DC
Join the National Safety Council, Road to Zero, Families for Safe Streets, & StopDistractions for the first-ever collaborative gathering of victims of road crashes and their families.
Location: Capitol Hill - U.S. Capitol Buildings, 101 Constitution Ave NW Washington, DC 20510
Click here to learn more and register
Note: This event is not being organized by the National Distracted Driving Coalition. Views expressed may not represent all steering committee and stakeholder organizations.
Event Registration
Partner Event: DRIVE SMART Virginia’s 11th Annual Distracted Driving Summit
The 11th Annual Distracted Driving Summit will be held August 8-9, 2024 in Richmond, Virginia!
Join DRIVE SMART Virginia at the Richmond Marriott, 500 E. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23219. More details to come!
Distracted driving is a growing danger on our nation’s roadways. Since 2013, this annual conference focuses on how we can tackle distracted driving through advocacy, enforcement, corporate policies, education, and research. At the Distracted Driving Summit, hundreds of attendees hear experts from around the country talk about the most cutting-edge solutions for distracted driving. The Summit is a day-and-a-half event.
Learn more: https://www.drivesmartva.org/distracted-driving-summit/
Note: This event is not being organized by the National Distracted Driving Coalition. Views expressed may not represent all steering committee and stakeholder organizations.
Event Registration